Monday, 27 March 2023


Psalm 5:12 For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; With favor You will surround him as with a shield.

I think God loves it when we believe how much He loves us and wants to be a blessing to us. He enjoys seeing His joy bubbling up inside us because we know and believe His favour surrounds us like a shield. 

Whether we go into a known or a new environment He wants us to remember we are a child of the Most High God and He's backing us all the way so we can go in with confidence because we're hidden in Christ, we're surrounded by angels, and we have His wisdom to tap into. 

1 Corinthians 1:30 (Nlt) God has united you with Christ Jesus. For our benefit God made him to be wisdom itself.... Imagine that, the wisdom of God is in Christ Jesus available to us and it's for our benefit and He is in you and me! We don't need to feel daunted in any way because His wisdom actually gives us the edge.

Whatever you're called on to do today and the coming week don't forget just who you are in God, above the situation and not beneath, well able because you've been equipped by Almighty God, you carry His anointing wherever you go because the Holy Spirit is within you.

God has qualified you to do whatever He calls you to do and He's already gone ahead so you don't need to feel vulnerable. You're carrying resurrection life within you whether you feel like it or not and you have Jesus' authority to shine wherever you go. People will recognise you have something special about you, they may not know what, but will be drawn to it. 

So let's go out in the confidence God our Father has given us to not just get through another day but to enjoy doing it with Him and in His strength and ability.

I pray your week will be uplifting and positive, full of grace and remember you're not average, you're not mediocre or inadequate. You have God Himself empowering you, equipping, anointing and giving you great wisdom beyond your own because you are a child of God. Thank You Lord.

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