Thursday, 23 March 2023


John 4:4 He (Jesus) needed to go through Samaria.

Yesterday we looked at making a difference in this world but our contribution seems so small sometimes doesn't it? We want to be able to affect lots of people with good but God reminds us that it's the individuals who matter to Him. When we help the one person it's because that one person is important to Him because He loves them. He knows where they're at and what they need.

Our verse says Jesus needed to visit the Samaritan lady at the well who had had five husbands. His disciples couldn't understand why He bothered, she was only a woman, and a disreputable one at that, in their eyes, so why bother? They'd had to walk several miles extra and for what - one woman?  It made no sense to them but God's understanding and perspective of people is so much higher than ours. Each one is important to Him, made in His image and He has placed greatness on the inside of each one waiting to be unlocked by His Spirit.

Let's not lose the God perspective that if we've helped one, we're doing it as unto the Lord Himself and it's up to Him what happens next. God still wants us to be faithful in ministering to the one here or there, to know we are making a difference that maybe only He knows about. 

Whether we're called to the many or the ones and twos, all we need is to know we've done what God has asked us to do, to the best of our ability, no matter how small or how big, and as long as we do it with love, we've done well. 😊

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