Thursday, 16 March 2023


Mark 8:33 Jesus turned around and looked at his disciples, then reprimanded Peter. "Get away from me Satan!" he said. "You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, not from God's."

What a stern word this was from Jesus. I think Peter must have felt like wishing the ground would swallow him up at that moment! But it's a word we need to remember because we probably all tend to see things from our human point of view and forget God may have a totally different view altogether.

The trouble is we can only see things in the now, we don't know what's coming round the corner so we have a very limited view of life. God sees things all in one and knows what's coming, and the good plans He has for us if we'll do and go where He says. Jesus was telling us this life is not all about us and maybe God wants us somewhere where we can be used in a greater way by Him.

He knows if we need to go in a different direction or do something in a different way. Just because we've always done something one way doesn't mean it should always be like that!🙂 Peter didn't want anything to change, he didn't want what Jesus was saying and the Lord had to put him straight. 

As we know God has His own plans and purposes for each one of us, and if we're wise we'll seek Him out so He can show us what's next and then agree to it. Sometimes we have to let go of something in order to reach for the new blessing God has prepared. Jesus said "If you try to hang on to your life you will  lose it. But if you give up your life for my sake and for the sake of the Good News, you will save it." (Mark 8:35)

Let's ask for a heart that's willing to stop hanging on to our lives and be willing to do what God wants of us, even if it isn't what we thought we wanted, like Peter!😊

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