Saturday, 18 March 2023


Psalm 23:4 Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and staff  protect and comfort me.

There are times, when we go through dark valley experiences and they're lasting longer than we'd like,  we wonder where God is in it all. The wonderful thing is He's right there with us, He hasn't gone anywhere, He is still beside us, holding us up, protecting and strengthening us till we come out the other side. That truth is like a solid rock keeping us steady as we go through.

Being in a valley means that coming out is always a looking upward experience and going through means that God is shepherding and leading us on the route out. Valleys aren't always bad experiences as David proved when he brought down his giant in the Valley of Elah. God turned it into David's place of great victory!

Maybe you're facing a giant of some kind and it looks intimidating as though it's there to stay. Goliath thought he was invincible but God knew otherwise. David, even as a youth, knew with God's help he could bring down any giant, and he told his giant to his face that he was bringing him down!

Whatever giant there is looming over our lives we have a champion and His name is Jesus. Scripture reminds us that Jesus disarmed every giant, every foe at the cross for us. (Colossians 2:15) Satan is a totally defeated foe and Jesus has placed us on the victory side with Him. Praise God!

So next time a giant tries to rise up and whisper something negative or fearful in your ear just remember those thoughts are not your own and they are not God's thoughts either, so you're free to disown them, resist them and bring them down in the name of Jesus because you are a Victor and not a victim. 

Have a blessed weekend.x😊

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