Monday, 13 March 2023


Psalm 23:3 He restores my soul...

We've just returned from a weekend away at a family gathering which was lovely. It's amazing how just two nights away can make you feel like you've had a long holiday!

We never hear of Jesus having a holiday but we do read of Him withdrawing from all the people who were continually making demands on Him. At one point it says He and His disciples didn't even have time to eat they were under so much pressure so they needed a rest!

You may be feeling like that now with people constantly wanting you to do something for them. Perhaps it's time to follow Jesus' example and take some time out, to draw on one side and spend it with God Himself. Scripture says Jesus withdrew or arose early in the morning to pray. Luke 5:16 But Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed. 

If anyone needed His spiritual batteries recharging it was Jesus because we're told they were constantly expecting Him to meet their needs and heal the people of all their diseases. He couldn't seem to go anywhere without crowds of people hounding Him for something and although He was filled with compassion and ministered to them He still needed to rest physically and be refreshed spiritually.

So this is just a little reminder to take the time to let God refill your empty batteries, let Him refresh and restore your soul. It may not be possible for you to take time away but take some time to turn off your mobile phone, turn off everything for a little while and just rest in the presence of God and allow His peace and strength to flow back in, allow His word to revive you once again.😊

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