Wednesday, 15 March 2023


Mark 8:18 Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember?

Jesus had refused to give the Pharisees a sign from heaven and been so disturbed in His spirit by their hardness of heart that He'd bundled all the disciples into the boat and sailed off onto the lake. He was still upset with them and warned His disciples to not be like the Pharisees in their hardheartedness and unbelief.

Meanwhile the disciples had only one thing on their minds and that was food! They were so caught up in the practicalities of what they'd do for lunch whereas Jesus was caught up with their spiritual welfare.

When they admitted they'd forgotten to bring lunch and only had one loaf Jesus was disappointed in their attitude. He says "Don't you remember?"  He'd fed 5000 only the other day and had only just come away from feeding 4000 with a loaf of bread and a few fish. He's wondering why they don't just come to Him and ask Him to multiply what they have got! Why get bothered about it when they have the answer sitting in the boat with them?

I think we're a bit like that too. We're all caught up with the practicalities, the seeming impossibilities, and forget we have the supernatural spiritual side of things available to us. Are we so focused on the nitty gritty problems that we forget we have Jesus to go to? 

Jesus is saying to us "Don't you remember how I've always provided for you in the past when you've asked Me to?"  Psalm 103:2 Let all that I am praise the Lord; may I never forget the good things he does for me.

Today if we're tempted to get in a tiz-woz about anything or everything, (even down to what we eat), remember all the times Jesus has come to our rescue and been there for us in every situation in the past and know He's always there to help us again no matter what the situation.😊

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