Thursday, 30 March 2023


Ephesians 2:18 For through Him we both have access by one Spirit to the Father.

How often we read of the Israelites coming to God asking Him to restore them again! And how often we read how God did forgive and restore them wonderfully no matter how awful they had been. He was and is always merciful.

We can come to God again and again no matter what our problem is even if it’s every five minutes when we're having a tough time.The good news is God really wants us to know we can come over and over again no matter how often we need to, or how far or how little we've wandered off.

He wants to forgive us however many times we come to ask for forgiveness again! 

He wants to pour out His mercy on us again!

He wants to pour out His love on us again!

Things happen and He wants to restore the joy of our salvation to us again!

God wants us to know His supply of whatever we need is endless and limitless. His mercy endures forever and He wants us to come to Him again and again.

So whether we're coming to the Lord for rebuilding our relationship with Him, restoring our peace or our joy, whether it's healing for our mental or physical health or rescuing our finances, God not only wants us to ask Him to put those things right but believe He wants and is able to do it for us.

He is our again and again God, our again and again Saviour, Deliverer, Provider and Protector. So when you wake up again each morning remember you’re going through your day again with Jesus inside you, and you’re inside Him and His resurrection life is flowing in your veins.😊

Hallelujah to our merciful Again and Again God. Thank You Lord Jesus for making it all possible.

Hebrews 10:19-23 And so, dear brothers and sisters, we can boldly enter heaven’s Most Holy Place because of the blood of Jesus. By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place. And since we have a great High Priest who rules over God’s house, let us go right into the presence of God with sincere hearts fully trusting him…… Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promises.

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