Monday, 13 March 2023


Matthew 4:4 But Jesus told him, "No! The Scriptures say, 'People do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

I booked a hairdresser who I'd never met to come to our house for a hair cut. As I looked out the window I saw an elderly lady park outside, she had a hold-all and looked very old fashioned. I thought “Oh no, this doesn’t look good!”  I tried to look on the bright side and said "Well Lord, at least she must have had years of experience in cutting hair!" I was trying to find the good!!😊

A couple of minutes later Chris put his head round the door to say my hairdresser had arrived and a lovely young lady came walking to the door! I'd got it wrong, the elderly lady went off up the road and it was a coincidence she'd parked outside at that moment! The 'real' hairdresser proceeded to do a lovely job. Feel free to laugh!😊 

Have you ever thought something and found out you got it all wrong? We have an enemy and he's very clever at trying to deceive us any way he can, to upset us or throw us off balance. He makes things look bad, as though they're hopeless and if we're not careful we'll fall for his lies.

If we'll look up at those times we'll find Jesus is putting His head round our door to tell us the truth about our situation, how He can supernaturally change things in our favour, how He's ready to do something wonderful in our lives if we'll believe Him and His Word to do it.

No matter what the enemy has told us or how convincing his lies have been we can know that God's Word is the final authority, the last Word. We really need God’s Word every day on everything so we’re not deceived.

As we begin this week I believe there is a shift coming and it will bring God on the scene in a powerful way if we'll open our door in faith to His Word to receive all He has for us.😊Amen.

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