Wednesday, 1 March 2023


Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.

Do you ever look at other people and think "I wish I was more like them!"? I have a friend who is gifted with hospitality, the more people she has in her home the happier she seems to be and she produces a lovely meal from scratch while she's chatting to you and it all looks so effortless!

Whereas I can get flustered just trying to get everything on the plate at the same time!😊  Hospitality doesn't come naturally to me. I can do it but it's not my gift. Can anyone identify?

Then the other day the Lord dropped this thought in my head "Be the best you, you can be." If God wanted me to be brilliant at hospitality He would have gifted me that way but as it is He gifted me in other things and God doesn't make mistakes! It doesn't mean we're less than the other person, it's just who they are and who God made them and us to be.

I wonder if you're struggling at the minute thinking life would be great if you could be or do what someone else can do, be all relaxed like them when you feel stressed, always have the right thing to say when you can't think of anything to say? 

If so, God wants to encourage us all today to just be who He made us to be and relax in that. He's not comparing us to anyone else and neither should we. He already knows the treasure He’s put in us and sees who we can become. I have to keep reminding myself I’m still a work in progress, how about you?

All God is asking of us is to be the best we can be and let Him bring out His treasure inside us, things we never knew were there or thought we would ever be capable of, with His help. For instance I never imagined I would be writing a Blog at seventy but God did! It's never too late to be used by God.😊

God chose you before the foundation of the world. He made you a masterpiece, one of a kind, there will never be another one like you and He's delighted with you so smile, and enjoy being the 'best you', the 'glorious you' today as you do the good things He has planned for you.


  1. Yes, I have sometimes wished I was either Bill Gates or Elon Musk. Then I would help all those who come to me for help. Because I have so many at least twice a week.
    I passed a beggar today in town but I was so guilty I thought I will have to give her some money when I return next week.
    I had a girl going to Secondary school who I tried to get a scholarship program take her in but they said they need only nursery children. I felt shall contribute to her 1st term fees.
    Yet I also have a sister in law who is to join vocational school and I am yet to raise a quarter of the tuition and requirements.
    Yes, I am still have to be me. I am loved by many. A gift God gave me 🙏 I negotiate with quarrelling parties ie. friends, brothers, families, husband and wife... At no cost. I don't charge a penny because God gave me that gift free ! I enjoy it. Though I don't show it.
    Though I have my own challenges, I feel calm when I get people together.
    I remember once when I was very young, about 8, the Bishop said this boy should be a priest someday. Now I know why. He saw in me.
    I am happy helping others and wish the world was like that.
    Thank you and blessings 🙏

    1. God bless you greatly and thank you for sharing. Jackie
