Friday, 24 March 2023


Corinthians 5:7  For we walk by faith, not by sight.

Things don't always go the way we thought they would so it's good to keep in mind that God knows what He's doing and He has His own reasons for putting us where we are, at this point in time.

We have to ask ourselves are we going to trust God to do things His way or are we going to fuss about it? I was thinking about some people who don't seem to be in the best of situations when I was reminded of Caleb. Although he went through the wilderness for a long time, through no fault of his own, the Lord honoured his right attitude of heart and allowed him to enter into his inheritance and take his mountain many years after he was promised it. That was one faithful man putting his trust in his faithful God and I'd like to meet him in heaven one day.😊 He never gave up believing that what God had promised He would fulfil. 

Maybe you need a word of encouragement today to stick with it. If so, allow the Lord to come alongside you today and remind you, you are loved beyond measure even though you might be going through stuff at the minute. He's an expert at bringing His people through and out of the wilderness at the right time if we'll keep trusting Him to do what He's promised.

He doesn't ask us to run ahead of Him but to walk each day by faith. So with His help that's what we'll do together, one step at a time, knowing He's going ahead of us preparing the way remembering that as we walk we are actually getting somewhere!

If you use the step counter on your watch or phone, every time you look to see how many steps you've done today, remind yourself that you're also walking them by faith and every one of those steps God is walking by your side, strengthening and upholding you bringing you to where He wants you to be. We have a faithful God.😊 Thank You Lord.


  1. Dear Jackie,
    My cousin Wendy has been sending me your blog.What a blessing and comfort they have been every morning.Thank you for your wonderful ministry
    Janet 🤗

    1. Thank you so much for your great encouragement Janet. It makes such a difference when I know it's helping somebody and so appreciate it, and give the Lord all the glory for any help it is to anyone. I know I can't do it without Him. God bless you Jackie x.
