Saturday, 25 March 2023


Acts 12:16 Now Peter continued knocking; and when they opened the door and saw him they were astonished.

Peter had been locked up in prison behind three sets of prison doors with 16 soldiers assigned to guard him and chained by his hands to two of them throughout the night. And then we read he was so deeply asleep that the angel had to strike him to wake him up! Peter knew Herod was going to kill him the next day and yet he was so in faith that he could sleep like a baby.

He just trusted his God, pure and simple, to do whatever needed to be done. He knew it was out of His hands. Meanwhile God had rescue on His mind and the angel was so powerful it made no difference what chains were on Peter, or who was holding him back or what doors were closed to him,  he was coming out!

I wonder if we feel like we have some chains binding us, chains of sad thoughts, bad memories, chains of worry or wrong habits or they may be chains no one else even knows about? Perhaps we feel like we have so many doors closed around us that we're feeling discouraged.

We forget that at the Cross Jesus broke every chain off us, delivered us from every curse and as we stay in faith Jesus is at this moment delivering us and has assigned angels to do whatever is necessary.

Peter continued knocking! It's interesting the prison doors couldn't keep him in, but the church door could keep him out! Our prison doors have been thrown open but with some doors we have to do our part and keep knocking on them to open, so we can go in.

Peter continued knocking! Jesus Himself told us in Matt. 7:7-8 Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. It’s continuous tense - keep on knocking.

What are we asking, seeking, and knocking on the door for? Whatever it is God says to keep doing it. Don't give up!

I believe this is a strong word from God today: 
Keep knocking on that door, it will be opened! 

Have a blessed weekend everyone.x

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