Matthew 15:10-11 Then Jesus called to the crowd to come and hear. "Listen," he said, "and try to understand. It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth."
The other day I mentioned having a grumpy button, but we also have what I call a 'joyful' button, an 'I choose to feel good today' button!
I met a lady this week struggling to unlock her trolley at the supermarket, so I helped her, then she crashed it and all the while she was grumbling saying "It's not my day, typical, everything goes wrong!" etc. She was like a cat with its fur rubbed up the wrong way!😊 Someone had pressed her grumpy button! So how do we make sure we have our right buttons working? Good question!😊
Part of the answer lies just below our noses because it has a lot to do with what is coming out of our mouths. What we say, is what is going through our thoughts. Logically then, if we choose to think the right thoughts, God thoughts, we'll have good things coming out of our mouths and our emotions will follow. Have you noticed our mood follows our thoughts and words?!😊
In James 3:4-6 James says the tongue is like the rudder of a ship, that our words will help guide our ship of life into grumpy, bad mood waters, or into contented, joyful waters. We have control of the rudder!
Jesus said we're defiled, or messed up, by what comes out of our mouths not what goes in. He was reminding us that what is in our hearts will come out in what we say.
Deuteronomy 30:19 Moses told the Israelites they were being given a choice to choose the right way or the wrong way and we have exactly the same choice every day. You know those days when we wake up and feel a bit grumpy and sort of heavy, we can choose to go with that flow or we can choose God's way.
We can guide our rudder and say "I'm a child of God and He loves me. He's given me His joy and peace and I choose to let them show. I choose to think His uplifting thoughts. It’s going to be a good day because He's with me and He's promised His favour will surround me wherever I go. I'm blessed going out and in and I'm going to be a blessing. Thank You Lord for making me happy on the inside even when it's not happy on the outside."
We choose which button is pressed, so let's choose to press the joyful one, and have a good day.😊