Thursday, 1 August 2024


Colossians 2:2 NLT  I want them to be encouraged and knit together by strong ties of love. 

I saw this wooden house in a garden centre and I liked its quote “Together is a wonderful place to be”, and it reminded me of how God calls us to be together in a church family. 

God designed us to go through life being supported and cared for in a group of other believers because otherwise we can become vulnerable to the enemy’s attacks, a bit like a lone soldier who is more likely to be brought down alone, than when he’s in a battalion. God wants us to have the protection of the local body of believers, being covered by their prayers and their leaders.

We know we can worship God anywhere, out on the hills, at home alone, but God has asked us to come together to worship and know Him more deeply, with one another. He wants us to enjoy fellowship together, to join our shields of faith together and resist the enemy. When we’re together we can encourage each other to keep going when the going is really tough. 

Yes, we know people aren’t perfect (but neither are we😊), and we can probably all recount times when someone upset or offended us in church so we can use it as an excuse not to go. But my son once said to me “Mum, you’re bigger than that!”, and so are you.  I don’t know who is reading this, but if you’ve been hurt, maybe it’s a good time to forgive and let all the upset go? I find it helps to remember how much Jesus has forgiven me, and ask Him to show you where He wants you to be.😊

Ephesians 4:16 NLT He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love. What a lovely reminder of what being together really means, each part doing its bit because each one of us is an important part, and when one of us is missing the whole body suffers a loss. 

All in all, God wants us to be together with Him in His house, doing our part, being blessed and being a blessing, where we can lift the name of Jesus high.

So may I encourage us all to ‘be together’ somewhere, because together is a wonderful place to be.😊

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