Wednesday 21 August 2024


Ephesians 3:20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us,

Yesterday we looked at our Life Box but I’m here to remind us today that just in case we have put God in a box of some kind He wants us to realise He’s not in there!  - He is so big and powerful and awesome.

God won’t fit in any of our ideas or theory boxes, our religious denominational boxes, our disease or lack boxes, not any box, because He is far and beyond anything we’ll ever imagine. 

Our picture shows someone taking only a little cupful of dreams. So if your dreams are only THIS big (stretch your arms out wide) then He’s saying they can be as wide as the ocean and beyond. Our God can do exceedingly, abundantly, above and beyond ALL we can ask or imagine. I’ve heard it said that if you can manage to achieve your dream on your own then your dream is too small and we need to think outside of our limited box, and reach into the unlimited God realm.😊

Maybe you’ve lost your dream and you’ve been in the same box for so long you’ve forgotten God still has so much more for you. Even if you’re in your 90s you can still pray big prayers that will change the lives of generations to come - THINK BIG - PRAY BIG - BELIEVE BIG! 

God is not fazed by how big our ‘ask’ is! The bigger and bolder the better. He promised Abraham the nations and Galations 3:14 tells us in Christ we have inherited the promises made to Abraham. We have inherited the nations too! Psalm 2:8 Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession.

Do you get the feeling it’s time for us to expand our thinking and discover the plans God has for us on the other side of our box walls? He’s just waiting for us to join Him, outside of the box! Hallelujah! I could get excited, couldn’t you?! Have a blessed day.😊

Photo: Stefan Moertl at Unsplash

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