Tuesday 20 August 2024


Romans 8:28 NKJV And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

We all have what I call our ‘Life Box’. It’s where everything that makes up our lives is held together but it sometimes gets messed up so I’m really glad we also have a treasure box, which we looked at last week on 16th August. It’s always helpful to look and remind ourselves of some of the treasures we have stashed away.😊 

Life can throw us some hard knocks and we may feel a bit bashed and battered by them but underneath all of what has happened, or ever will happen, one of our greatest treasures is to be secure in the knowledge that God has promised to work it ALL out for our good, not for our bad!

Do we sometimes look at all the jigsaw puzzle pieces in our life box and try to fit them together when we don’t actually have all the pieces yet and we feel frustrated? We don’t need to be if our eyes are on the Lord and we know what He has promised. He won’t work out just some of our problems and leave the rest for us to struggle with. He’s an all or nothing God and He wants us to remember there are some jigsaw pieces still to be uncovered in our box! 

So yes, He has promised to work out ALL things, but my question is, are we giving Him ALL things to sort out or are we hanging on to some, trying to do it ourselves? Why not take hold of your Life Box with all its complexities, and just give the whole thing to Him?

God wants us to take our hands off, as well as our troubled minds, and surrender them all to Him knowing He is all powerful, all knowing, and all sufficient. That’s four more ALLs and they’re ALL true according to scripture!😊 

So take heart today, you’re in safe hands and it is safe to give Him your Life Box with your  ‘ALL’ in it, however serious it is, because He wants you to trust Him to work it all out for your ultimate good. In Jesus name. Amen.

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