Saturday 17 August 2024


1 John 2:20 NKJV But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.

This is a local reservoir we walked around yesterday where we watched the birds enjoying the water. Apparently the biggest reservoir in the world is Lake Kariba in Africa and it stores 44 cubic miles of water!

It reminded me of when I heard someone say God wants us in the reservoir of His anointing, not in the residue of yesterday’s anointing. Reservoir means source and supply, residue speaks of yesterday’s leftovers. I think we probably all prefer ongoing supply to meagre left overs and God’s reservoir is unlimited!😊

Reservoirs are designed to supply fresh water to thousands of people and God wants us to be so full of His Holy Spirit and have a deep reservoir of His anointing inside us so we’re available to be a blessing to each other, and whoever we meet during the course of our day.

Our verse says we already have an anointing and when we spend time with the Lord we keep our reservoir topped up but what if we’re running dry and just have a trickle seeping through? 
John 7:38 Anyone who believes in me may come and drink! For the Scriptures declare, ‘Rivers of living water will flow from his heart.’ Jesus said He was giving us life giving water on the inside of us which will bubble up and flow out to those around us. So let’s keep our reservoir of anointing freshly filled with His Word and His Truths, so we have something to overflow with.

How’s your reservoir today? Is it full, or are you running on residue? If you find you’re running a bit low, why not go to Jesus Himself and ask Him to anoint you afresh with His Holy Spirit and make sure you’re in the reservoir of His anointing and not just left with a residue. He’s ready and waiting for each one of us to come and ask, so let’s just ask.😊Amen.

Have a blessed weekend.x

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