Wednesday 14 August 2024


John 3:17 AMPC God did not send the Son into the world in order to judge (to reject, to condemn, to pass sentence on) the world, but that the world might find salvation and be made safe and sound through Him.

We probably all love the sound of those three words - safe and sound.😊 When family members go on a journey we always love to hear they’ve arrived ‘safe and sound’ because we love them.

God’s heart is like that. He wants us to arrive safely, to be at home with Him, safe and sound, and He had to pay a very high price for us to do it. It cost Him His one and only Son.

John 3:16 talks about God giving us everlasting life, about keeping us safe for eternity and Psalm 91 says He’s promised to keep us safe in this here and now as well. He talks about giving us angel protection, protection from violence, plagues and evil, about hiding us under His wings, giving us safe refuge, and a fortress we can fight our battles from, safe under His shadow.

He tells us He is our fortress, our strong place, our castle of defence. It’s where we can go when tough times or danger are threatening us, and we all need to know we have a safe haven where God will keep us secure.

Wherever you go today, if you are born again, remember you are in Christ, hidden in Him. We belong to Him, and we are ‘in Him’. We are safe and sound in the palm of His nail pierced hands.

Maybe you don’t know Jesus yet as your personal Saviour,  and you’d like to be safe and sound for eternity. Our verse says God didn’t send Jesus to judge and condemn us but He loves us more than we shall ever know.😊 Why not ask Him to forgive you for your sins, to wash them all away, and to fill you with His Holy Spirit? Invite Him in and make Him Lord of your life today so you too can be safe with Him.

Thank You Lord for all You have done for us and we give you all the glory in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo by Richard Clark on Unsplash

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