Tuesday 13 August 2024


Timothy  3:16 NIV All scripture is God breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.

I have a friend who is a professional gardener but his friend, who knows nothing about gardening, has been carefully nurturing a weed thinking it was a plant so he had to explain it was a weed and he needed to dig it out before it took over!😊

In the same way  when we’re not sure what scripture says about some things we can inadvertently allow weeds to grow in our thinking and the longer we leave them the stronger and bigger they become. They can even become like sacred cows and it may be time for us to find out if we have any weeds or sacred cows that need pulling up or getting rid of!

A lady said to me once, “I can’t pray about this trouble in my life because God is far too busy, He has far more important issues to deal with across the world than my small trouble.” That’s a weed! God says to cast all our cares on Him for He cares for us, that He counts every hair on our heads, that He knows when we get up and when we sit down. God cares about the details in our lives! It’s time to dig that weedy thought out!😊

Another friend said to me, “God wants me to have this disease because He’s teaching me something. He wants me to suffer for Jesus sake.” Whereas scripture says the suffering God expects of us is when we are persecuted for our faith and suffer for teaching and preaching Jesus which is quite different. (Acts 5:41, Phil. 1:27-30)
Instead God says, 3 John 2 KJV “Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers”. It’s God’s will for us to be healthy and well! 

Then God says in the New Covenant He uses Scripture to teach and instruct us not sickness or disease.
2 Timothy 3:16 NLT All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. So we can learn from God just by what He teaches us in His word. Something I have learned is that God gets glory when we’re healed, not when we’re sick.😊 

It’s possible we all have different ‘weeds’ which need to be pulled out. As long as our plumb line is God’s word He will show us if we’re mistaken in any area. I know I’ve had some wrong information and wrong believing  weeds that His Word has corrected in me. The good news is we can all ask God to dig those weeds out and plant His thoughts from scripture in our hearts and minds instead.

Is it time to do some weeding? I’m working on some of mine, how about you?😊

Photo: Judy Beth Morris at Unsplash

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