Friday 23 August 2024


1 Chronicles 14:11 (NKJV) So they went up to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there. Then David said, “God has broken through my enemies by my hand like a breakthrough of water.” Therefore they called the name of that place Baal Perazim.

When I was a teenager we were living near the sea when the spring tides rose, which coincided with flooding rain. Our house was badly flooded as the water just broke through our storm barriers and sand bags. It literally poured in. Nothing could stop it!  That’s ‘breakthrough’!

Do you need a breakthrough of some kind today? We probably all do but what are we doing about it? David didn’t just sit there doing nothing, trying not to have a breakdown! No, he expected breakthrough! 

He knew Baal Perazim means our God is the Master of  Breakthroughs. So he asked God what to do, received God’s promise of deliverance and went out to fight the battle. Then he saw God being Master of his Breakthrough, but he says it came via his own hand. He had to do something!

We can be like David too, we have the same God. We are not expecting to breakdown, we’re expecting to breakthrough!😊 Breakthrough begins in our own mouths by what we believe and declare by faith in God, by our attitude, by listening to and obeying any instructions God has given us. 

We need to zip up the ‘I can't’, the ‘it’ll never happen’, the ‘nothing good ever happens to me’ comments. No, we need to release our faith with our words. ‘I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me, all will be well for the godly, my God is providing all my needs out of His riches in glory not according to my bank balance. Everything I set my hand to prospers, my God is working all things out for my good and His good plans are about to burst forth like a flood. Nothing can stop it!”

Let’s open our mouths and let the Lord fill them with the good promises He has already given to us to believe, and speak and declare and prophecy them over our own lives. Let’s keep a grateful attitude, an expectant heart and know our breakthrough is on route to us.😊

It won’t be a trickle, it will be a bursting forth of waters that nothing can stop in Jesus name. Amen.

Photo by Leo Rivas on Unsplash

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