Thursday 8 August 2024


James 1:17 NLT Whatever is good and perfect comes down to us from God our Father, who created all the lights in the heavens. He never changes or casts a shifting shadow.

Some experiences in life we can choose and some we can’t, and some we can make happen. Later on I might go and have a blackberry picking experience because I’m going to ‘experience’ making some jam, so I can ‘experience’ some jam tasting on scones! Yay!🤣

It’s more than likely our day will be filled with lots of seemingly insignificant experiences, but we have the privilege of living them with the Holy Spirit with us every moment of our day. We can choose to enjoy and be so grateful for all the good things we have in our ‘now’.

But on a deeper level, what would you like to experience today? Is it freedom from anxieties? Then Jesus said our Heavenly Father is taking care of it all so we don’t need to carry the burden of our worries anymore. He says we can experience that care-freeness He wants us to have when we cast our cares on Him. (1Peter 5:7)😊 

Is it that you’d like to be free from pain and sickness? Then come afresh to Jehovah Rapha, our Healer, and receive the healing Jesus already bought and paid for at the Cross with His life blood. 

Scripture says we can declare His victory over our health. ‘Lord, You say in Your word that by Jesus wounds I am healed, (1 Peter 2:24), I was healed (Isaiah 53:5), so I receive it by faith even though I can’t see it yet. I release the power of God, the resurrection life of Jesus that’s in my spirit, for Your healing and life to flow to every part of my body. I want to experience good health Lord and thank You for it by faith.’ Amen.

God has given us all good things to enjoy, and they are available to us in His precious promises. So my encouragement to us today is to put our faith to work and ‘experience’ all the good things God has prepared for us to enjoy today. 

And if you’re able to have a walk, why not take a little pot with you and pick some juicy blackberries and enjoy them for tea, or give them to a friend who can’t go out so they can ‘experience’ them too? 😊

Photo: Jametleme Reskp at Unsplash

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