Sunday 18 August 2024


2 Chronicles 6:14 
He prayed, O Lord God of Israel, there is no God like you
 in all of heaven and earth. 
You keep covenant and show unfailing love 
to all who walk before you in wholehearted devotion.  
V.40 O my God, may your eyes be open and 
your ears attentive to all the prayers
 made to you in this place.

Solomon had just finished building the Temple that God had given him the blueprints for, and he dedicated it to the Lord knowing there was no other God like His God. He knew His God would keep the Covenant He made and that if he did what God told him to do, then God would reward him.

We read in Hebrews 11:6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek Him. God is still the same Covenant keeping God today as He was then, and He still rewards us for diligently seeking Him, for giving Him our wholehearted devotion.

Part of His reward is that He not only sees and hears us but He answers our prayers. We know God has all wisdom and He loves us beyond measure so we can trust Him to give us the right answers, even if the answers we receive aren’t quite what we expect or in the way we expected them!

God encourages us throughout scripture to have hope, which is a bible expectation of good things to come. He tells us our faith is the substance of the things we’re hoping for, so hope and expectation are very important in our praying. Then Jesus reminds us in Mark 11:23-24 to believe we receive what we’ve prayed for, right at that moment, and we shall have it, even though we don’t see it yet.😊

So we can rejoice today that there is no God like our God - not anywhere! He keeps His covenant with us and He answers our prayers as we diligently seek Him and His ways. Let’s sing His praises and give Him all the glory today.😊 Amen.

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