Thursday 29 August 2024


1 Thessalonians 5:5 NLT You are all children of the light and of the day; we don’t belong to darkness and night.

If someone asks you who you are, would you say “I am a son or daughter of so and so, or a sister or brother of so and so, I am a computer expert, or I am a home maker?” When Jesus was asked, He had lots of answers to that question! Jesus said, I am the Light of the World, the Bread of Life, the Good Shepherd, the Door, the True Vine, the Way, the Truth and I am the Resurrection and the Life. 

I’m sure all of us have had days when we feel like we’re in a dark place but God has made sure we don’t have to stay there.😊 That’s why it’s important to know Jesus is the Light of the World, but He also wants to be the Light in our own personal world. 

He reminds us today that when Jesus is in the centre of our lives He will shine His light so He can be our good shepherd, the door into our future, our resurrection life for each and every day. He will shine His light so we can see He attaches us to the vine and helps us produce the fruit He wants us to. His light will show us His Way, His Truth, that He is the very Bread of Life who sustains us every day we wake up. I wonder, do we see Him in that light, as all those things to us, or do we muddle through on our own?

When we need focus and vision His word says it will be a light to our path so let’s get His word out and see what it’s saying and shed His light on our darkest problems.

And if we speak to people who are feeling down or discouraged, He wants us to shine His light, His inspiration, His perspective, His uplifting thoughts into their lives. It’s not just for us alone so let’s be Light shiners, not doom spreaders!😊

All in all I’m so thankful we’re no longer of the darkness and night, aren’t you? But because of Jesus we are who God says we are. 
We can now say “I am a child of the light and of the day.”😊 Thank You Lord. Amen.

Photo by Paul Skorupskas on Unsplash

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