Friday, 16 August 2024


Proverbs 3:5-6 AMPC Lean on, trust in and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not reply on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognise, acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.

If you have ever read adventure stores as a kid you would have wanted to find buried treasure! Maybe you would still like to find some? Well I’ve discovered there is buried treasure in the ‘ALLs’ of scripture.😊

We have two today. The first one is ALL your heart - He’s talking to you and me! We might trust the Lord up to a certain point and then we wobble, but God wants us to grow in our faith where we just look to Him in every circumstance and believe with ALL our heart that His way is best and His promises are true.

How often our own understanding kicks in and tends to squash our faith and undermine our trust in God and His word. The trouble is our own understanding is so very limited no matter how clever we may or may not think we are! Verse 7 says, Don’t be impressed with your own wisdom, which is what happens when we listen to our own understanding or past experience!

It’s better and wiser to just grab a hold of God’s word and stand on it no matter what things look like. That’s wisdom!😊

Then he says acknowledge Him in ALL our ways. That means seeing God in everything, recognising He is in the detail of our lives as well as in the big issues. God knows when we sit down and when we get up, He hears our every sigh. He’s thinking and caring for us all the time so we can trust Him, we can learn to recognise His input, His goodness, His mercies, His grace throughout our entire day, not just in our quiet time. We have a 24 hour day, but we have a 24 hour a day God!

Have you been wanting to know the way forward? Then He says if we’ll do those things He will show us the way to go, the choices to make. He will direct our whole day, our whole life.

I pray we use the treasure we have today and practice the two ALLs we have found. ALL our heart - ALL our ways.😊 In Jesus name. Amen.

Photo: Ashin k Suresh at Unsplash

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