Saturday, 3 August 2024


Psalm 103:2 Bless the Lord O my souls, and forget not all His benefits.

I read these words this week, “Happiness is not always about fixing big things. It’s about finding small things that have gone right.”

I wonder how many of us are what I call ‘Fixers’? Whenever we see a problem we want to fix it! We can’t seem to help ourselves, it’s part of our make up, just like some people are Carers. But life doesn’t always work out neatly, does it? Not every situation has a quick fix solution and God, who is the Champion Fixer, will often take time in bringing everything together for us, because He can see the end from the beginning.

Although we can’t do that, the good news is, James 1:5 says “If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” So we can ask for His wisdom to know if He wants us to be involved in fixing things or whether to leave well alone. Life isn’t always simple is it?

One thing I do know is that looking at the things that have gone right, that are going well, takes away some of our frustration with the things that still need fixing. I may not have ironed everything in the basket yet, but I have done the washing, which is something to be happy about!😊

So next time you feel yourself getting frustrated and niggled that things are not being fixed as quickly as you wanted, or the way you wanted, just have a little look around and go on a treasure hunt for all the little things in your day, in your life, that actually have gone right. 

Is your phone still working, is there still water coming out the tap, can you still enjoy a piece of toast, does the kettle still make a hot drink? There’s really lots of small things that are still working just fine that we can be happy and contented about, don’t you think?

Enjoy going on your treasure hunt for the small things today and trust God to fix the bigger things which are still in the pipeline that we can’t do anything about anyway. It’s called counting our blessings and when we ‘find’ some, just thank God for them because all good things come from Him,😊

God bless your weekend.x

Photo: Calum Lewis on Unsplash

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