Wednesday 5 July 2023


1 John 5:4 For everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith.

My petunias were doing so well in their pots and I felt so pleased with them - until I had a closer look and discovered they’d been infected with white fly and had begun to hang their heads and feel sorry for themselves!

We can be a bit like the petunias, merrily going along, everything doing well when suddenly we find we’ve been infected by the news bulletin or something someone said or did which hurt or offended. Maybe you were stepping out in faith, believing the promises of God and strongly standing in faith when out of nowhere a doubt began to creep in, a negative thought here, another ‘what if’ thought there, and before you know it we’ve begun to feel sorry for ourselves! Our heads are down and we’ve lost our joy.😊

So what’s the antidote? Well one thing I’ve found is to pay attention to who and what we’re listening to, whether we’re left feeling depressed after watching or hearing it. If it keeps bringing us down then our alarm bell should be going off!  We need to guard our minds and hearts more diligently so that when words are thrown at us we can counteract them straight away with the truth of the Word of God. 

Paul tells us to have our armour on, to not go out unprotected. It’s all common sense in a way. We wouldn’t send a soldier out with no protective gear, no weapons and no back up. God has given us the armour to wear but we have to put it on. If we’re wise we’ll claim God’s promises of protection and back up, and ask Him to help us guard our hearts and minds so we don’t end up like my petunias were.

Psalm 3:3 But you, Lord, are a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high.

If we find we have been infected, may I suggest we kill those bugs off with the promises of God once more, stir ourselves up and dust off our faith because it’s making us world over comers and enabling us to win this battle in Jesus Name as God lifts our heads high again.😊


  1. Thanku once again for ur blog this morning Jackie...hav just read it and so true that t enemy can try and make us feel down as we tak our eyes off Jesus...we need to check ourselves and get back on the Lord's track x

  2. Thank you for your helpful and encouraging comment. So true😊x
