Monday 10 July 2023


Ephesians 5:18 Be filled with the Holy Spirit. 

Here we are once again at Monday morning and the weeks go by so quickly! If you’re a morning person you probably jumped out of bed, raring to go, but if you’re more of a night person then you might not be such a happy bunny! You probably rolled out of bed very reluctantly.😊 

Whichever it is we need to remember we’re going into our day with the One who offers us His help, His wisdom and anything else we might need to navigate our coming week.

1 Thessalonians 1:4 We know dear brothers and sisters, that God loves you and has chosen you to be His people. We’re starting each day with the One who loves us and holds us steady when things get tough, who lifts us up when we’re down, and who breathes His life into us when our strength has run out.

Whatever time of day it is with you, just take a minute and if you can, lift your hands up to Him, and in your spirit see yourself receiving His strength, wisdom and peace flowing into your body, along with His love and joy because He is our Joy-Giver. It’s a bit like taking the car to a petrol station when it’s nearly empty, if we’re sensible we’ll fill up again before we run out along the road!

God never wants us running on empty. His heart’s desire is to have us running on full so if you find yourself rolling out of bed feeling like your tank has nearly run out, can I encourage you to once again ask the Holy Spirit to fill you up with whatever you need, or need more of, regardless of what it is, and when you ask, believe by faith that you receive it, and thank Him for it in advance. The Holy Spirit wants to fill us all up, not just with Himself, but with whatever we need for our day.😊

Have a blessed, filled up week.x

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