Job 22:21-22 (ESV) Agree with God, and be at peace; thereby good will come to you. Receive instruction from his mouth, and lay up his words in your heart.
I heard someone say ‘Get in tune with God’ and it struck a chord in my spirit if you’ll forgive the pun! God is full of faith, forgiving, loving, kind, merciful. I could go on and on but if we want to be in tune with God we need to align ourselves with how He thinks and what He does, and agree with what He says about Himself, about ourselves, about everything.π
God says He delights in prospering us, so we can agree and thank Him for making our 2023 a bountiful year, a year of favour and good. God says He blesses the head of the righteous that we’re blessed going out and coming in again, so let’s agree and thank Him for doing exactly that.
Let’s zip up anything that contradicts what God has said, stop any negative confession that might say we’ll never get well, that things keep going wrong for us. Those kind of words are not in tune with God, so let’s agree with what God says about us that He is restoring health to us, that whatever we set our hands to do He prospers it, that there are good days up ahead.π
All those things are written in scripture for us to claim and so many more besides but until we agree with God and lay hold of them by faith they won’t show up. All the promises of God are ‘Yes’ in Jesus. (2 Cor.1:20)
Let’s begin the week with all the good things God has declared over us and have such a sense of expectation and hope because of who our God is - El Shaddai - the One who is More Than Enough, the Almighty One who fights our battles and leads us always in victory.
Lord we praise and thank You and ask You to help us get in tune, and agree with You and Your word this week. Amen.