Monday 8 July 2024


Proverbs 28:20 A faithful man shall abound with blessings.

We were living in an old flat in a not very good area when we were first married and were very thankful for it, but we wanted to move! We saw a very overgrown empty little bungalow for sale and thought it would be impossible for us to buy it but we made them an offer anyway and our dream came true when we moved in some time later! We were so blessed and so thankful. You may be like I was in our old flat , looking ahead and thinking your dream could never happen, but be encouraged, God loves to do the totally impossible for us!😊

When something very obvious like that happens we can see how God pours out His blessings and we’re overjoyed with thankfulness. But what about the other blessings the Lord is pouring out on us every single day, those things which are probably not quite so visible, that we may not even notice? 

It’s good to stop for a minute and take the time to recognise the blessings that God is pouring out all the time into our everyday lives. He may have rescued us from a serious accident that we didn’t even know about, or helped us through circumstances that would have brought other people down. Or maybe we found an article in a shop which we’ve been wanting for ages and we found the last one! Or you may have had one of those lovely God moments we all love.😊

Whether God’s blessings are of the small or overwhelmingly wonderful variety, let’s stop and be like the one leper out of the ten who returned to Jesus and say a heartfelt ‘Thank You Lord’. 

And as we enter another week, don’t forget He is daily loading you with more blessings to come and I believe some of them will be in the overwhelmingly wonderful category. The best is still to come. Amen.😊

Photo by Jack Niles on Unsplash

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