Sunday 14 July 2024


Hosea 11:4 NIV 
I led them with cords of human kindness, with ties of love. 
To them I was like one who lifts a little child to the cheek, 
and I bent down to feed them.

All through scripture we read about God’s loving kindness towards us which is wonderful, but this verse seems to show another dimension to His love. It opens up a new picture in our minds of how tenderly caring and affectionate He is, and wants to be close to each one of us, His children.

Whenever you feel like you need some tender loving care, imagine your Heavenly Father bending down to scoop you up into His arms, and allow Him to draw you close as He rests your cheek against His, and know He has you safe and secure. What an amazing thought.😊

He reminds us of how He fed them, and provided all their needs and how much more He will do the same for us who belong to Him. He talks about ties of love and they’re not ties of fear or demand or manipulation, but we’re tied with His unconditional love. Thank You Lord.

Psalm 36:5 (NIV) Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies. When I read that verse I think of the expression ‘I love you to the moon and back’. How great God’s love is for us when we remember Jesus loved us to the Cross and back, and we know we can rest in God’s acceptance and love for evermore because He did. Thank You Jesus.

Psalm 69:16 Answer my prayers, O Lord, for your unfailing love is wonderful. Take care of me, for your mercy is so plentiful. There are so many verses about God’s loving kindness and care towards us we need never be in any doubt about it.

Psalm 63:3 Because your lovingkindness is better than life my lips shall praise you. I pray we can all join with the saints who have gone before us and lift up our arms to our loving Heavenly Father in praise, and allow Him to minister His great love to our hearts today as we minister to His. In Jesus name. Amen.

PhotoJuliane Liebermann at Unsplash

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