Thursday, 11 July 2024


1 Peter 5: 7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

Have you ever noticed how we can be so troubled about something that it causes it to blow up into a ‘big issue’ which we can’t stop thinking about? Then a few days later we come to talk about it and we find the whole thing has lost it’s sting because it’s blown over anyway, and we’re on to the next thing that’s raised it’s head for us to worry about! 

Not always, but quite often, it’s just ourselves making a mountain out of something that was only a molehill and we can lose our sense of perspective for a little while if we’re not careful. The enemy tries to deceive us into thinking it’s worse than it really is and we can inadvertently put our worries on the throne instead of God.

At least we can learn from that scenario and realise we shouldn’t always take ourselves quite so seriously. If we wait a while a lot of our troubles do seem to blow over in time without any help from us!😊 Some of the things that really upset us six months ago might not even exist any more and the ones that remain can still be safely left in God’s hands for Him to take care of, even the really big ones.

How about giving ourselves a little break from worrying about it all and just allow God to look after us and everyone else, because He’s more than able and He loves us.

So today, why not sit down for a minute and deliberately hand over each thing that’s troubling you, one by one, to our loving Heavenly Father, the most powerful Being in the universe, and trust Him to take care of it all in the way He knows best. It’s a bit like taking out all the heavy things in the bag you’re carrying and transferring them over into God’s big bag and leaving them with Him.

Psalm 55:22 Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you….

Notice we have to do the giving, the handing over, and release them into His hands otherwise He can’t take care of them. I wonder, who would you rather sort them out? You, or God?  I think we will all have the same answer.😊😊

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

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