Thursday 18 July 2024


Psalm 139:17-18 NLT How precious are your thoughts about me, O God, They cannot be numbered! I can’t even count them; they outnumber the grains of sand! And when I wake up you are still with me!

Isn’t it strange how we can suddenly feel like we’re hitting a brick wall and for no reason at all we’re down in the dumps? Now when that happens we’re tempted to give in to it, but we can do something about it. The enemy has no legal right to bring down any child of God and God tells us to resist the enemy because we have the Greater One in us and God’s desire is for us to be full of His joy, not the enemy’s despair.😊

So what can we do when the dismals creep up on us out of nowhere? Well one solution is to put on praise music and that will often lift our spirits but another way to tackle it is to read scripture and Psalm 139 is a great help.

It reminds us that we’re fearfully and wonderfully made, so that knocks the enemy on the head right away! He can’t con us into thinking we’re ‘less than’ because God says otherwise. God even reminds us elsewhere that we’re His masterpiece, the apple of His eye and precious in His sight. We matter to God, because we belong to Him. He’s thinking about us all the time because He cares about you and me which is wonderful and should start to help us remember we are deeply loved!😊

Psalm 139:2 reminds us that God is so intimately aware of us that He knows when we sit down or stand up. Can you imagine that for a minute? How many times did you sit down or get up today? God knew every one of them! I think that’s amazing!

V.5 tells us He goes before us and follows us, that He places His hand of blessing on our heads. Just to know we have His blessing on our lives should lift our spirits! I wonder if we’re not believing what He says or sometimes forget? 

If you’ve been feeling down or discouraged can I encourage you to ask the Lord to help you to believe what He says and allow Him to lift you back up again. 

We can join our shields of faith together today and give Him all the praise and thanks for loving us so much, for being so wonderfully patient and kind to us, and for making us victors not victims. In Jesus name. Amen.

Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash

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