Thursday, 4 July 2024


2 Chronicles 13:15 (NLT) and the men of Judah began to shout. At the sound of their battle cry, God defeated Jeroboam and all Israel and routed them before Abijah and the army of Judah.

Have you ever felt surrounded? Everything, all around you seems to be conspiring against you, or going wrong? You’re not alone! Abijah was the King of Judah with 400,00 men going out to stop Jeroboam the King of Israel who had 800,000 men! He was outnumbered and surrounded. In the natural things were not looking good and they could have backed off but they didn’t!

We can learn a lot from Abijah as he faces his enemy head on, because we have the right to do the same thing. Instead of cowering away in defeat, it says they cried out to the Lord for help. Then the priests blew the trumpets and the men of Judah began to shout. At the sound of their battle cry, God defeated Jeroboam…’

They had a faith shout in them, it was a battle shout, a victory shout, a ‘we’re going to win’ shout! God heard their cry of faith! We too can be an overcoming  people who have a cry of faith on our lips. Let’s blow the trumpet of the finished work of Jesus, our Conquering Hero. Let’s have a shout of victory on our lips because we have the blood of Jesus and the Name of Jesus, the name that every knee has to bow to, on our lips.

We are on the victory side because we have God on our side and legions of angels to call on. The enemy may think he has us surrounded and outnumbered but with God fighting our battles then it’s the other way round, it’s the enemy who is totally outnumbered by the hosts of heaven, and he has to flee just like King Jeroboam, when we resist him!

Let’s stand our ground, use our faith and put a shout of victory in our mouths and thank Jesus for it, even before we see it, knowing He goes before us and His goodness and mercy are following behind us. Thank You Lord. Amen.😊

Photo: Mick Hauptmann on Unsplash

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