Saturday 13 July 2024


2 Corinthians 1:3-4. All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is our merciful Father and the source of all comfort. He comforts us in all our troubles so that we can comfort others. When they are troubled, we will be able to give them the same comfort God has given us.

When a child is small they like to have a comforter like a favourite teddy or a blanket that they can’t be without. One day we inadvertently left our little daughter’s teddy behind when we’d been out for the day and we knew we had to go back and search for him before she would be comforted and settled down for the night. Thankfully Brown Ted was found and restored before nightfall.😊

As grown ups though we may not have a teddy bear, but some people will turn to the fridge to comfort eat, or they might go shopping to comfort themselves, or to a bottle to drown their sorrows. But God is reminding us in our verses that He Himself is the source of all comfort in all our troubles.

Godly comfort is more than a feeling, it is when we’re aware of God’s presence holding us steady through the trouble or the storm. It’s when we know He is giving us His strength to be able to keep going, to be able to rest in Him knowing He will never abandon us or leave us alone.

Very often God will send us someone who can empathise with what we’re going through and encourage us to know we too will come through with God’s help. There are times when all we want is for someone to wrap their arms around us to hold us, with no need for words.

That same daughter I was telling you about, is now a lovely woman of God and she comforted me a few years ago when we had just been burgled. She just wrapped her arms around me and held me close while I recovered from the shock I’d had a few nights before when two hooded robbers invaded our home, into our bedroom, and that was the comfort God knew I needed at that moment.

Maybe God needs you to be a comforter to someone today to draw alongside to help them.🙂

But whatever happens in our lives, be confident that God knows what we need because we’re all different, and He will truly be there for each one of us and be our Comforter. Thank You Lord. Amen.

Have a lovely weekend.😊x

Photo: Marina Shatskih at Unsplash

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