Friday 19 July 2024


Matthew 6:26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your Heavenly Father feeds them.

It was a beautiful sunny morning yesterday when I received a text from a lovely friend and it was such an encouraging message I asked her if I could share it with you all.😊

She said, “I’m sitting in the garden watching the birds have their breakfast. My friendly blackbird came for his morning bath! He waits for me every morning and comes to me as I go out with the seeds. He never runs away from me. What a lovely picture of God giving us His word every morning to feed on, and to bathe in His love.🩷 Are we as eager as Blackie (my name for him) to run to Him for our daily sustenance? Watching and waiting and expecting it, like he does? As confident as Blackie is, that we have nothing to fear from Him. I love watching the birds, I learn so much from them.
There’s a pigeon who comes, and if I don’t stop him, he’ll clear the food table in seconds. I’ve put things to stop him getting on the table. It’s fascinating to watch him, determined to get on. Are we as determined as he is to not let any obstacles get in the way of us feeding our souls?”

I just thought she painted such a lovely picture of eagerly coming to the Lord each day to receive His goodness and the loving care He gives each one of us. How He allows us to come to Him any time of day or night to receive a fresh word of encouragement or whatever we need from Him, to feed our souls, as she says. There are no shortages in God’s kingdom, no queues, no bare shelves, only overflowing supply. Thank You Lord.

I hope it’s an encouragement to each one of us to see our time with Him as precious, not a duty, but to have a sense of anticipation, to receive a fresh supply of His grace, just like with the birds. 

From now on, every time I watch the birds feeding and bathing, I’ll be thinking of feeding on, and bathing in God’s love too. What a lovely thought.😊

Be blessed as you spend time with Him today.x

Photo by Jordi Rubies on Unsplash

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