Tuesday 30 July 2024


Mark 5:36 As soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, He said,… “Do not be afraid, only believe.”

The little girl’s daddy had promised to take her to Disneyland and she was so excited she could hardly contain herself. Every morning she’d ask, “When are we going to Disneyland Daddy?” And he would tell her, “Soon, it’s all arranged.” She had no doubts about it, because she trusted her daddy’s word. God wants us to believe His promises like that, to know His heart is to bless us and He has good plans arranged for us.

Luke 6:45 Jesus says that what we believe in our hearts will eventually come out of our mouths and sometimes I’ll hear myself say something which is definitely not believing what God has said and I need to ask Him for help to get my believing right especially when I can’t see it.😊 Maybe it happens to you too?

But when we do get our believing right and we say “I believe” and we really mean it, then something happens in the spiritual realms and we’re enabling God’s favour and blessings to be released and poured out on us.

It means we’re expecting God to do what He says, like the little girl did, to go before us to give us the breakthroughs we need, believing His healing to flow into our bodies and minds, for an abundance of provision in every area of life. Remember He is the God who overflows our cup, the God of bubbling over. (See 27.7.24 God’s Overflow)

I know it can help when we speak out what God wants us to believe based on His word. So here are some suggestions if you’d like to join with me and you can say them as often as you need to and add lots of your own.😊

‘I believe I am the righteousness of God in Christ and God loves me. I believe God wants to bless me going out and coming in and He is providing over and above all I need. I believe God’s favour surrounds me like a shield and He is arranging things in my favour for me to be in the right place at the right time to receive God given opportunities. I believe God’s healing power is flowing into my body and mind and that God is working all things out for my good. I believe because God has said them in His word and I trust Him.’😊 Thank You Lord. Amen.

2 Corinthians 4:13 It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak.

Photo: Belinda Fewings at Unsplash

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