Monday, 22 July 2024


2 Corinthians 2:15 Our lives are a Christ-like fragrance rising up to God. But this fragrance is perceived differently by those who are being saved and by those who are perishing. To those who are perishing, we are a dreadful smell of death and doom. But to those who are being saved, we are a life-giving perfume…

One of my friends has an enormous garden with roses of all kinds. She dries the petals for confetti for weddings but also makes rose water which I found fascinating and it makes a pretty room spray.😊 As we know some roses have the most amazingly strong scent and you just want to take deep breaths of it, while others have hardly any scent at all. 

Our scripture today reminds us that we ourselves can be a life giving perfume. Wherever we go we can leave a beautiful  fragrance behind, and I don’t mean out of a posh bottle!😊 It’s like when someone does or says something kind and they leave behind a lovely atmosphere, it’s like a lovely fragrance. Or when someone is known for doing good things for others and being unselfish, that’s leaving a uplifting perfume behind as well. But more than anything it’s when we share the gospel with someone so they can come to know Jesus as their Saviour, we become the life-giving perfume our verse talks about.

Jesus said, “I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.” There will be people in all our lives who need to hear that there really is a better way, that they can have their past washed clean and have a new beginning because God loves them, that there is hope because He gives them His own Resurrection Life. Our verse says some people will be repelled by it as though it’s a bad smell but there will be those who will receive it and breath it in, who are eagerly waiting to hear God loves them personally.

I hope as we go into our new week we can be that lovely fragrance for someone which will linger after we’ve left them, leaving them blessed and uplifted because we were there for a little while. It’s a lovely thought isn’t it?😊

Lord help us to be that life giving perfume wherever we go because we’re taking You with us. In Jesus name. Amen.

Photo: Nataliya Melnychuck at Unsplash

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