Saturday 6 July 2024


Philippians 3:13(NLT) No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us.

I read this the other day: Don’t look back. You’re not going that way! Have you ever bumped into something because you weren’t looking where you were going? You feel really silly, especially if it’s a lamp post!🤣

The thing is, we all have a tendency to look back. We can have rose tinted spectacles and want to return to the good old days, but today’s days will be the good old days of the future! 

Hopefully we enjoyed what we had but we don’t want our past to stop us recognising the joys in our present, or our future! God has good plans for each one of us and He wants us to look forward to them, and keep pressing in to Him with bible hope of expectation of good things.

Scripture says we are blessed so let’s praise God for every blessing we have, knowing more will be released tomorrow. We can remember the favour of God  surrounds us like a shield and God is with us in our every moment. 

Even when we go through a very difficult time we can keep trusting Him, knowing it’s temporary. This time last year I was very poorly, unable to go out and enjoy the sunshine, but it was temporary. Praise God He brought  me out of another valley to testify to His healing and restoration and He is doing the same for you. 

We have to remember we are God’s people of faith, walking into His victories He has prepared for us, not into defeats. Don’t let’s be a people who are believing for the defeats, who have a glass half empty attitude, but a people who believe for ‘my cup is running over’, for the overcoming of the difficulties, for new health, new opportunities, for God’s grace and blessings to be released in our lives, in Jesus name. Amen.

Have a blessed weekend.😊

Photo: Possessed Photography at Unsplash

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