Sunday, 5 May 2024


Psalm 89:6-8 For who in all of heaven can compare with the Lord? 
What mightiest angel is anything like the Lord? 
The highest angelic powers stand in awe of God. 
He is far more awesome than all who surround his throne. 
O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies! 
Where is there anyone as mighty as you, O Lord? 
You are entirely faithful.

I wonder what we’d do if we had an angel suddenly appear in front of us? Maybe you have!😊 When it happened in Bible days the people seemed to be overawed and even trembled with fear because of their appearance, and perhaps their powerfulness was felt by them. Whether we’re actually privileged to see one or not scripture tells us that we all have at least one angel assigned to us to minister to us constantly (Hebrews 1:14). Scripture also tells us that one angel can wipe out 185,000 people at one time, that’s how much power they carry!(2 Kings 19:35)

And yet our verses today remind us that angels can’t even begin to compare to our God, that they, and all who are in heaven with them, stand in total awe of God Himself who is so far above them He is so majestic and so powerful and awe inspiring.

Maybe  it would help us if we could catch a glimpse of heaven so we could grasp something of the immensity and majesty of who God is. The apostle John was allowed a vision of it, and it’s mind boggling to know we shall actually stand before the throne of grace one day and see our Lord Jesus, the One who was nailed to a cross for our sake, face to face, but more likely on our knees before Him.

I’m so thankful though that the Psalmist rounds off verse 8 by talking about the faithfulness of God. He’s not for us one day, but the next He’s changed His mind! No this awe inspiring God, our own Heavenly Father, is for us today, and He’s for us tomorrow and on into eternity and He invites us into an up close intimate relationship where we can talk with Him night and day as a son or daughter. How wonderful is our God and what a privilege!😊

Let’s rejoice today that God’s faithfulness and His great love for us endure forever and there is absolutely nothing and no one who can compare with our glorious God. Praise His holy name. Amen.

Photo: Andika Christian on Unsplash

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