Thursday 23 May 2024


Psalm 46:1  God is our refuge and strength, always ready to help in times of trouble.

“Now is a gift” and we’re all in the ‘right now’. It’s great to reminisce about lovely memories and it’s exciting looking forward to plans we may have for the future but the fact is, God has gifted us with this moment in time and we might be needing all sorts of things ‘right now!’
You might need a new job, or money to pay some bills. You may need healing from pain, or a broken heart or a sickness or disease, and you feel you need it all right now. 

God’s name is the great ‘I AM’. His name tells us He is ‘I AM’ right now in your right now moments! He is present to help us in our trouble. He’s not going to pop in and see us some time next week if He can fit us in! No, He has promised to be a very present help, a now help, that He is involved in everything in our lives.  Let’s pray believing He’s helping.😊

God reminds us in Philippians 4:6 …Pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. His Word also says His mercies were fresh this morning, that His grace is available 24/7, that nothing is too hard or too difficult for Him, and we may need to remember those things right now when we come in faith to ask for our ‘right now’ needs. Even if we have to wait for things to come together God wants us to be certain the answer is still definitely on its way.😊

The good news is there are some things we can enjoy right now. When we’ve asked Jesus to be our Saviour then God’s love is being poured out on us and His favour is surrounding us like a shield, right now. 

He says we are righteous in His eyes, that we are forgiven and on our way to heaven and we have already stepped into eternity right now. 

God is working behind the scenes to provide all our needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, not according to our bank balance, or according to our strength or qualifications or lack of them, and it’s all happening right now. Even if we don’t see it or feel it He wants us to believe His word.

Aren’t you glad God is ‘I AM’ right now, in all our circumstances, and that He has already given us so much already? Let’s encourage one another to keep walking by faith thanking Him for His help and enjoy His Gift of Now.😊 Amen.

Photo: Zachary Keimig on Unsplash

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