Monday, 13 May 2024


Psalm 139:1-2 O Lord, you have examined my heart and know everything about me.You know when I sit down or stand up. You know my thoughts even when I’m far away.

Back in the early 1990’s I had been decorating our bathroom using wallpaper with little flowers growing up it and when I stood back after a difficult day wallpapering, I had one of those “Oh no” moments! Ever had one of those?

I’d only hung one of the pieces upside down, in the most difficult piece of all round the window, where everyone would see it! So I had flowers growing upside down for the next several years because I just could not bring myself to tear it off and start again! I should have paid more attention to the detail!😊

Normally I am a ‘detail’ sort of person and God wants us to know that He is too, that He is actively involved in the details of our lives. Scripture says He’s watching over us and knows what’s happening in our homes and in our situations. He sees our daily struggles and our ups and down so don’t ever feel like God doesn’t see or care what’s happening in your life because He does.

Psalm 139 tells us He sees when we sit down, when we get up, He knows what we’re going to say before we say it and He still loves us no matter what. God specialises in sorting out what seems to be the unsortable. He can turn situations around for our good but He wants us to lean into Him and take our hands off what we’re stressing about.

A pastor tells of how God gave him a picture of when he was trusting God with things, there were like golden pipes above his head and there was a wonderful provision of God’s grace and help flowing in his life. But when he was worrying and fretting about everything, it was like he’d squeezed the pipes so tightly only a trickle of the flow could get through.

As we walk into another week, even if you feel all upside down like my wallpaper, let’s remember God cares about, and is involved in every detail of our lives. Let’s not squeeze shut those golden pipes, but give all the situations we can’t do anything about to our loving Father and in faith thank Him He’s going to turn it right side up for us in His way and in His time. 

He has blessings still to come with your name on them, so keep believing He is for you and not against you and that He’s working out the details even when you can’t see it. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

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