Wednesday, 8 May 2024


Psalm 34:4 I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. v.6 In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened; he saved me from all my troubles. 

When you were a small child do you remember being afraid there was a monster under the bed when the lights went out, or not letting your hand dangle outside the covers in case the monster came and grabbed it?🤣

We all have to deal with fear in our lives and God knows that. I read that the command to not be afraid is said more often than any other command in the bible! So God must have given us the answer or He’d be unfair telling us not to do it.

1 John 4:18 John tells us God’s perfect love drives out fear and the more we believe and declare God loves us and is looking after us, the more we’ll overcome our fears because our faith is in Him. 

When we’re afraid it’s also an opportunity for us to use our faith. Fear and faith are spiritual forces and though we can’t see either of them we know whatever we feed is going to grow and become stronger. Fear is like a hungry monster and it’s our responsibility to not feed it anything that will make it grow bigger!

Instead we can learn to go from fearing things to faithing them. Are we doing anything to feed our faith just now to counter the fears? When fear attacks, let’s fight back with the promises of God. My God is restoring health to me, my God is providing all I need, my God is holding me steady and protecting me wherever I go, God has good plans for my life. God loves me.😊

Even if things don’t go the way we wanted we know we have Almighty God on our side to bring us through and out the other side. We still have His promise He’ll turn things around for our good, we know God is on our side fighting our battles for us. Let’s declare those things and shout our fears down and out! Turn on the faith programme.😊

You may feel like nobody understands what it’s like to be so fearful, but Jesus knows exactly what it feels like. He faced the whipping post, crucifixion and Hell itself. He sweat blood over it, so He knows how you feel, but He overcame for you! He has won the victory over it all for us. He said to His disciples, Fear not, for I have overcome the world and all it can throw at you. 

God wants us to know we can run to Him any time because He does understand, give all our fears to Him, and allow His perfect love and peace to flood our soul in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

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