Tuesday 21 May 2024


John 15:8(NLT) When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.

The other day the lid popped off my sweetener box when Chris took it out the cupboard and all the tiny tablets spilled all over the kitchen floor! It was one of those ‘Oops’ moments!๐Ÿ˜ŠTrying to pick them up again was a bit of a challenge as they’d rolled everywhere! 

Those sweetener boxes are small enough to take with us wherever we go, and as I thought about that I realised we all have ‘sweetness’ stored up in us to take with us wherever we go too. We are like the little boxes and we can choose to release the fruit of the Spirit of God at any time, wherever we are. We have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control stored up in us.(Galations 5:22-23Wouldn’t it be great if when our lid popped off all our good fruit spilled out over everyone we meet!

Unfortunately, I confess, the other day when a lady’s muddy dog jumped up with muddy feet all over Chris’s brand new trousers, I was not all sweetness! My fruit wasn’t rude, but I’m sorry to say it wasn’t as patient and long-suffering as it should have been either and I felt bad afterwards that I’d allowed it to get to me the way it did!  

God is working in us all the time though, transforming us by the renewing of our minds and it’s partly so He can grow His good fruit in us. But good fruit isn’t much use if it’s left in the bag it’s brought home in. We have to share it and allow its goodness out to bless others.๐Ÿ˜Š

So how about letting our good fruit spill out on somebody today? Share it with people when we see they’re all stressed out, or they’re feeling down. Give them some of our fruit of kindness and love, and lift them back up again. And if we do fail to produce the right fruit sometimes, don’t let’s give up, but know we can ask God to help us do better next time.

Lord thank You for forgiving us when we get it wrong, but help us be a blessing to somebody today and help us share the ‘sweetness’ of Your lovely fruit wherever we have to go. In Jesus Name Amen. 

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