Friday, 24 May 2024


Matthew 13:23 (NIV) But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.

When I’m planting up flowerpots I try to make sure I put some good compost in so they grow well, but it’s the time of year when dandelions also grow well in their thousands, all along hedgerows, and in my garden! 
When they go to seed I have to snatch the heads off before they land and grow loads more, and it reminded me of the scripture where it says the word of God is planted in peoples’ hearts but the devil comes along and snatches it away. (Matthew 13:19)

If we’re not careful that can happen to us as well. We’ll have heard a word from the Lord, and it strikes home in our spirit, but then a distraction comes, the phone rings, or there is some crisis and the devil does all he can to make us worry, and forget God’s faithful promises are our armour and protection.(Psalm 91:4). It’s so easy for it to happen!

The parable of the sower reminds us that the soil of our heart really matters.😊 If we have hard, sceptical hearts then the seed of the word of God won’t even be able to get in. Or if our soil is so bogged down with the cares of this world, like the rain has bogged our gardens recently, then the good seed will get drowned out by the worry voices.

The devil uses lots of tricks to stop the word of God from producing a harvest like when we’ve worked too long so we’re too tired to spend time with the Lord, or we’ve allowed our emotions to go crazy and we can’t seem to think straight. 

The thing is, we have control over our own hearts, and the Holy Spirit has been given to us to be our Helper and Counsellor. He’s there to help us receive the good seed of the word of God, and help us mix it with faith so it takes deep root inside us to produce fruit. 

Apostle James reminds us that we can hear the word but it won’t produce a harvest until we start obeying it and doing it. I’m sure we’d all like a harvest of 30, 60 and 100 fold, so today is a nudge to have a look at our soil and see if God’s word is growing well, or have we let the enemy snatch it from us, and it might need some TLC and a bit of compost.😊

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