Thursday, 9 May 2024


Matthew 6:34 So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.

I wonder if you woke up with a smile this morning or did you wake up looking a bit glum like this dog, possibly because you’re thinking about a negative report you’ve had, or of all the things you have to do at work, or cleaning the house or car, or even dreaded paperwork! When we look ahead, some things can seem daunting can’t they, but if we take them little by little, moment by moment, they’re much more doable.

We can apply that principle to everything in lifeWe are all given new mercies every single morning (Lamentations 3:23) and God’s overflowing grace to take one day at a time, just like the manna was given every morning to the Israelites in the desert. 

We tend to look ahead though and find ourselves worrying about things that may or may not happen. We’d quite like the grace for the whole month or the whole year but God only gives us the grace we need for the moment we’re in.😊 

He wants us to enjoy today without having to worry about tomorrow because He’s already there taking care of it, providing the grace for it when it comes!

Perhaps we forget we have the grace He gives us when we wake up each morning, or even forget to use it? Do we catch ourselves busy trying to do everything in our own strength, because we forgot to access God’s grace to do it?

God never designed us to handle more than one day at a time and it’s all He expects us to deal with. When we opened our eyes this morning we were given a clean slate, a day with God in it with us. He gave us His Holy Spirit to help us with each moment, but again, if we don’t recognise and ask for His help and wisdom, it’s like the difference between having a vacuum cleaner in the cupboard but insisting on using a dustpan and brush - much harder!

God has equipped us and anointed us with everything we need for each day so let’s live it with His Holy Spirit, and ask Him to help us always find the joy in it, moment by moment.😊 Amen.

Photo by Rakesh Shetty on Unsplash

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