Sunday, 19 May 2024


Psalm 92:12-14 But the godly will flourish like palm trees 
and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon. 
For they are transplanted to the Lord’s own house. 
They flourish in the courts of our God. 
Even in old age they will still produce fruit; 
they will remain vital and green.

This photo is of a cedar of Lebanon and they certainly grow big and strong! What a lovely picture of what God is growing us into. I found a walnut in our garden that a squirrel had dropped, so I planted it and have been nurturing it for years. It is now about four feet high and flourishing, but it will be the next generation who benefit from the harvest of walnuts in years to come not me!😊

You may be new to the Christian faith, or been a Christian for a long time, but we are all in the process of growing strong in the Lord like the cedar tree. We’re not like my walnut tree which will take years to grow nuts but we can start producing fruit immediately and will continue to do so however old we become. What an encouraging thought.

And the even better news is, when we’re planted in the house of the Lord, we will not just flourish but we will remain vital and green. I think we all need to claim that promise don’t you? God never says we retire in His kingdom but quite the opposite! He says we will remain fresh and productive all the days of our lives with His own life flowing through us. That doesn’t speak of winding down and fading out! Thank You Lord!

God wants us to be part of His family of believers, young or old, knit together, helping and encouraging each other. Being there to stand in the gap for each other and lift one another up when we’re down. We all belong somewhere and when we’re missing one week for some reason we leave a big gap. Your being there encourages others, so you matter.😊

On the first Pentecost there were 120 believers in the room and they were so blessed when the Holy Spirit came down on them. Imagine if you’d missed it and not been there! We too can enjoy being in God’s house this Pentecost Sunday, so wherever we are, let’s come together with great expectation to worship our wonderful Saviour.😊Amen.

Photo: Tim B-road on Unsplash


  1. A walnut tree...did u plant it in it's shell or crack the shell first? Amazing! And Thank-you for your message today...just right πŸ™

  2. ThankYou for your encouragement.😊The shell had a small crack in it because it had been lying on the ground for ages I think and a tiny shoot was peeking through so I put it in a flowerpot and it took root. I’ll try to remember to put a photo of it on the end of tomorrows’ Blog for you to see.😊
