Saturday 18 May 2024


Psalm 103:2-5(NKJV) Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases, Who redeems your life from destruction, Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies, Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.

Our doorbell rang the other day and there was a delivery man waiting to give us a parcel. But if he had found we were out, he would have had to find someone else to receive it, to take it from him!

God’s blessings are a bit like that. They’re all given to us but those blessings are only any good to us if we take delivery of them, if we receive them by faith. 
I could offer you a thousand pounds but you might say ‘I can’t believe you’d give me a thousand pounds, or I can’t possibly accept that, it’s too much, or I don’t deserve it.” It’s like salvation, unless you take it, unless you personally receive the thousand pounds, then it won’t be any good to you. You won’t be able to use it or spend it unless you take it, even though it’s yours and I’m giving it to you!😊

In the same way God has given us His amazing benefits and blessings, all stacked up waiting, but unless we take them by faith, we will be no better off.  Have you ever done something wrong and gone round for days feeling bad about it? Instead, we could have gone to God and received His forgiveness immediately because it’s one of His benefits.

The enemy tries to make us forget God says we qualify for His grace, for His blessings, because we are the undeserving, because of Jesus’ sacrifice. Or we hear God ringing our doorbell when we read today’s verses, but because we’re in the ‘too busy’ mode to stop and gratefully receive it all, we miss them, or we choose to just not believe some of them. How sad is that!

Do you ever look at people and think why are they so blessed? It’s because they’ve received by faith what God gives to us all. We are all that blessed if we’ll take what God gives us!😊

I like to take each one, unwrap it and say ‘Thank You Lord, I receive it by faith’.  I don’t know about you, but I want to be ‘in’ to receive the blessings, don’t you? Why would we not? 

Have a look again at the blessings listed above, and so many others written in the scriptures. God is standing at your door knocking, or maybe He’s ringing your doorbell, so take a fresh delivery of what is yours every day and receive by faith all God is giving to you because they all have your name on them.

Have a truly blessed weekend.x😊

Photo: Claudio Schwarz on Unsplash

1 comment:

  1. WOW! Thank-you Lord God for this prompt this morning and help me not to forget your blessings and to continue to receive them daily 🙏
