Friday 3 May 2024


1 John 3:1 See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!…

I wonder how you see God? Do you think of Him sternly watching you, or see Him as a bit far away, or do you know Him as your close loving Father? I believe God wants to encourage us all to see His heart is to lovingly bless us and do us good, to see Him the way scripture describes Him as the one who wants to lavish His love on His much loved children.

I was out enjoying the cherry blossom the other day and took a photo looking up into the beautiful flowers. There were so many just hanging over my head like they wanted to pour themselves out all over me, and shower me with petals. Fanciful I know, but it made me think of how God wants to pour His blessings out into our lives.😊

He wants us to have such a sense of His love and care, of His abundance of grace and favour that we actually lift our heads up to Him to expect it from Him, not because we deserve it but just because we belong to Him and He is our loving Father. (Isaiah 30:18)

In Galations 4:6 Paul used the word Abba when he said God has sent His Spirit into our hearts, crying out, ‘Abba, Father.’ Abba was, and still is, the word used in Israel by young children for "papa" or "daddy" and it shows a close intimate relationship with our Father but it’s also a term of respect and obedience. Jesus called out to His Abba, Father in the Garden of Gethsemane. (Mark 14:36)

Sometimes we see a child running to his daddy calling “Daddy, daddy” as he flings himself into his loving arms. God was telling us that we can come to Him with the same sense of Him being our Abba, our Daddy and run into His outstretched arms knowing He loves us.😊 His word says we are His chosen ones, the apple of His eye, His set apart, highly favoured ones, His own sons and daughters.

Romans 8:15 …Instead, you received God’s Spirit when he adopted you as his own children. Now we call him, “Abba, Father.”

So let’s lift our heads up to our loving Abba Father, our Heavenly Daddy today and run into His loving arms and receive His love, and allow Him to be good to us so we can then go out and be good to others.😊Amen.

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