Philippians 2:10-11 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Do you ever get caught up with your emotions and wish you could have more control over them especially on those days when we feel down in the dumps? Well a comment I heard someone make, may help.
I hadn’t thought of it quite like that before and it made it more relevant when we apply it to specific areas in that way. It’s easy to say Jesus is the Lord of my life but I’m realising more and more that He wants us to yield every sphere of our lives, not just the ones we’re comfortable with. There just might be attitudes or thoughts or things that we don’t want Him meddling with or maybe thought He wasn’t even interested in, but He is! It helps to remember Jesus bought us with His life blood so why do we hesitate when we know He loves us that much? We belong to Him completely now.π
I wonder if there are some days though when we invite Jesus in through the front door but we leave Him in the kitchen, and don’t ask Him to make Himself at home in any room He likes. We have an area which is too private or we’re thinking “No entry, it’s mine!”
It’s like when a dog has a hold of a big stick in its mouth and you have to wait till he drops it so you can pick it up. Is it possible that the Lord is in our kitchen patiently waiting for us to drop whatever it is we’re holding so tightly to, so He can pick it up and deal with it?Can I encourage us all to stop for a moment or two and have a think to see if there are some areas that we’re still holding on to as well. For instance, we may have long buried hurts or fears that He wants to heal but we’ve not made Him Lord of those areas to allow Him in, to minister to us.
All I know is, He wants to come and be invited into everything we think and do, not to hurt us in any way, but so He can bless us, heal us, make us whole, provide for and protect us, because of His great love for us.
Lord help us to recognise when we’re still trying to control our own lives, still holding on to things, and yield it all to You whether it’s our emotions, or worries or fears or anything else we need to make you Lord of. In Jesus name. Amen.
Photo by Ann on Unsplash and Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash