Saturday, 25 January 2025


Every Day 
God thinks of you
Psalm 139:17

Every Hour
God looks after you
2 Thessalonians 3:3

Every minute
God cares for you
1 Peter 5:7

Because Every Second
He loves you.
Jeremiah 31:3

The above is a photo of a heart coaster given to me by a lovely friend for Christmas, so I thought I’d share it. I’ve written the words out so they’re easy to read and I hope it lifts your spirits like it does mine every time I look at it, because they’re constant reminders of the goodness of God to us.😊

Although they’re not actual quotes of the verses they’re based on what they say, and they are all true for each one of us. We’re always on God’s mind, always watched over and cared for because He truly loves us. How totally reassuring that is. 

Why not just spend a few minutes thinking about each one of the statements above, better still look up the whole verses, and let them sink in to your spirit and let His Holy Spirit minister to your heart wherever you are.

I felt the Lord saying to write the whole verses out and pin them up round the house where they’ll constantly speak to me, so maybe it would help you to do it too?😊

To start us off, here is Jeremiah 31:3 NLT …I have loved you, my people, with an everlasting love. With unfailing love I have drawn you to myself.

I pray you have a blessed, enjoyable weekend, but if you do have some struggles keep reminding yourself of all of the above and allow His words to comfort and bless you.😊x


  1. Bukky Mafikuyomi25 January 2025 at 11:38

    Thank you very much for these inspiring words. They are indeed reassuring and refreshing.

    God bless you and multiply HIS Grace upon your life in Jesus' Mighty Name.

    AMEN AND AMEN!!!!!

    1. Thanks Bukky. We Praise the Lord for all His goodness to us.🙏🏻😊
