Thursday, 23 January 2025


Hosea 4:6 NKJV My people are destroyed through lack of knowledge….

You’ve probably heard the saying ‘It’s not what you know, it’s who you know that’s important’, and there is some truth in that statement.

The wonderful thing for us as Christians, is that we know the King of Kings, the Creator of all things and we also know that He loves us. We know that He is for us and not against us, that He goes ahead of us and is our rearguard and that His hand of blessing is on our heads.

There are times when we need to remember Who we know and what we know because when we do that it will take us over and stop us from going under.😊 It will stop us from being destroyed.

Scripture says in 1 John 5:4 NKJV For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. God has given us all a measure of faith or we couldn’t have been saved in the first place, it’s the God kind of faith. But we also know we can increase our faith muscle by hearing more of God’s word and putting it into action. We have to be doers of the word not hearers only.😊

So if you want to be someone who is determined to go over and not under, then keep reminding yourself of Who you know - that God is your loving Father; of who you are - that you are a child of the Most High and Living God; that the name of Jesus is above every name and He gave you power of attorney to use His name to bring down strongholds and cause the enemy to flee.

Remind yourself He says He has given you His victory, that He has made you an overcomer by the blood of the Lamb and His strength and ability are available to you through the power of His Holy Spirit living in you.

1 John 5:4 NLT For every child of God defeats this evil world, and we achieve this victory through our faith. And who can win this battle against the world? Only those who believe that Jesus is the Son of God. You can win this battle!

Wherever you go today keep declaring “I’m going over, I’m not going under. I am an overcomer because I have the Greater One living in me. I am a victor not a victim. In Jesus mighty name.” Amen. Glory to God.😊

Photo:Nicole Wilcox on Unsplash

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